Casio CDP-S360
The Casio CDP-S360 delivers terrific piano sound and feel, with a huge collection of amazing Tones and Rhythms plus songwriting tools to bring your music to life. A scaled, weighted hammer action keyboard delivers the response of a traditional grand piano, yet the CDP-S360 offers exceptional portability and convenience, weighing only 24 pounds and capable of running on either its included power supply or batteries. Add the optional WU-BT10 Bluetooth Audio and MIDI adapter to connect to your favorite devices via Bluetooth LE MIDI, or to use the CDP-S360 as a Bluetooth speaker. An optional matching wooden stand and three-pedal unit are available for an authentic performance experience.
The free Casio Music Space app lets you connect via USB to your favorite iOS or Android device to make adjustments to your CDP-S360, learn to play your favorite MIDI files, play audio with independent pitch and tempo control, and more.
Get more for your money with an exclusive Casio CDP-S360 compact digital piano bundle from Kraft Music. These package deals include the accessories you'll need to get the most out of your new piano, all for one low price. If you have any questions, please contact us. Our knowledgeable sales advisors will be happy to assist in choosing the bundle that's right for you!