Studio Electronics Oscillation uses an exponential current source followed by waveshaping circuits they pioneered. The waveforms are DC-coupled (components connected directly together without any coupling capacitors), so they keep their shape even at sub-Hz speeds. The outputs are also buffered, so the amplitude is independent of the load they are driving. The waveform levels on some modern eurorack oscillators are often all different, and they vary depending on whether they go into the mixer or directly to the filter; coupling the circuitry without capacitors in-line gives the go-ahead for the full spectrum of frequencies to do their thing and ensures near identical response over the years.
Potentiometer potential
Six attenuation pots control the FREQUENCY, TUNE, PW CV IN, PUSLE WIDTH, FM CV IN and SUB LEVEL, delivering smooth, detailed and complex expression.
Switch it up
NORMAL and LOW RANGE choose between wide sweeping audio frequencies or clicks (respectively) for creating a rhythmic pulse or sweep. SINE, TRI, SAW, SQR switch their respective waveforms on and off.
Patch it up
Eleven patch points — 1 V/O, FM IN, WAVE MIX, SYNC IN, PW IN, SUB OUT, SINE OUT, TRI OUT, SAW OUT, RAMP OUT and SQR OUT — direct the deepest manipulation.
- Module controls
- FREQUENCY knob: oscillator frequency attenuator.
- NORMAL / LOW RANGE switch: oscillator domain switch.
- TUNE knob: oscillator fine-tune attenuverter.
- PULSE WIDTH knob: variable pulse wave width control.
- SINE switch: sine wave on/off.
- TRI switch: triangle wave on/off.
- SAW switch: sawtooth wave on/off.
- SQR switch: square (pulse) wave on/off.
- FM CV IN knob: frequency modulation control voltage input attenuverter.
- SUB LEVEL knob: sub (one octave down) level attenuator.
- Patch points
- 1 V/O input: one volt per octave control voltage input.
- FM IN input: frequency modulation control voltage input.
- SYNC IN input: oscillator sync control voltage input.
- PW IN input: pulse width control voltage input.
- SUB OUT output: sub oscillator output.
- SINE OUT output: sine oscillator output.
- TRI OUT output: triangle wave output.
- SAW OUT output: sawtooth wave output.
- RAMP OUT output: ramp (reverse sawtooth) wave output.
- SQR OUT output: square wave output.
- Physical specifications
- Size: 16hp
- Module depth: 39.7mm (with ribbon cable attached)
- Power usage: 44mA @ +12V, 39mA @ -12V
Vendor | Studio Electronics |
Module Type | Oscillator |
Module Width | 16hp |
Module Power Usage | 44mA @ +12V 39mA @ -12V |
1U Module | No |
+5V Required | No |
Depth | 39.7mm (with ribbon cable attached) |
Studio Electronics / Analogia Inc. ('Analogia Inc.') warrants only to the original purchaser of this product from a Analogia Inc.-authorized reseller or distributor that this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for one year after date of purchase. More information is available on the Studio Electronics website.